
Installation of demo, trial or full version

Test the free trial version for 15 days

User manual

All capella-software programs are delivered without printed manual.

First installation

You need help with installation?

Administrator rights

You need administrator rights on your pc for installation.

Program version

Please address the menu item Help and click About...

Free online updates

Our software is constantly revised, and we regularly offer free online updates.

Upgrade installation

Owners of previous versions can purchase upgrades at reasonable prices.

Installation on Mac or Linux

Not all of our software is available for Mac yet.

Installation on a new PC

Do you have to reinstall capella? Please download the current demo version from our download page.

Installation on your old PC

Do you want to install a new capella version? Please check if you have the eMail with your serial number.

No Internet

Please use another pc or ask a friend to download the installation file.

Backup of your program version

Please make a backup of the installation file.


If you want to deinstall our software, choose the command Start - Control Panel - Programs (with Windows Vista, 7, 8) or Start - Control Panel - Software (with Windows XP).



If you don't find your answer in program help, FAQ's or videos on our website or if you need individual support, then write us an eMail or chat with us. There's also the option to start a web conference.

Support options